Two GPS receivers provide position readings to the ship’s Nexus 2 Server, Comnav Auto-pilot, AIS transponder & VHF radio.  The DMK Wireless NEMA Router provides one GPS receiver.  The AIS transponder provides the 2nd GPS receiver.

DMK Box Model 11A-GPS Wireless NEMA Router

  • Built-in 14-channel GPS
  • Includes an external passive GPS antenna which connects via threaded SMA socket
  • 0183 GPS Out; use this to provide location data to other navigation & communication devices

Watchmate 850 AIS Transponder

    • Built-in 50 channel GPS receiver with SBAS (satellite based augmentation systems such as WAAS & EGNOS), selectable smoothing, internal antenna, TNC for optional external antenna
    • Optional manufacturer-supplied external GPS antenna available
    • AIS and GPS output and is easily interfaced to chart plotters, radars or computers.
    • GPS Sensitivity:  -159dBm tracking & navigation; -142dBm acquisition (cold start)
    • GPS Accuracy:  Position 2.5m CEP, SBAS 2.0m CEP